Around the Block
Space-Saving Alternatives to a Real Christmas Tree

Space-Saving Alternatives to a Real Christmas Tree

Wednesday November 29, 2017
Orginal Article by Amelia Lawrence

We don't all have the luxury of housing an eight-foot Christmas fir in our homes, and even if you do have room, you may not want to deal with the hassle. Regardless, there are so many options out there that won't leave you feeling cramped in your small space. And need I mention, they won't leave you with pine needles and sap all over your carpet. If you can forgo the scent of a real tree for something a little more apartment-friendly, these are the projects for you.

Many of us living in NYC don't have the luxury to house an eight-foot Christmas tree in our homes.  Even if you do, there are many hassles to come, pine needles and sap all over, the cleanup, etc.  Here are some great alternatives to a real Christmas tree.

1.  For small design and footprint checkout thus guild by Homey Oh My  (

2. Remember those old peg boards? This design by Sugar & Cloth ( is a simple cutaway with a concrete base.

Read the full and original article here. (

TAGS: Christmas Design, Small space saver
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